Thursday 26 November 2009

what the?

i'm back, babies.

i can't believe i used to do this every night. although the midnight-before-first-sentence-is-finished is verrrry familiar.

so i went to a SCBWI conference this weekend.

oh! the people i did meet!

oh! the workshops i did attend!

oh! the accidentally-volunteering-to-be-regional-coordinator i!

okay, some of you, who know me for my past insanity (which i will soon import) will no doubt be shaking your heads. but i say to you : no! no really! i can, I WILL do this AND sleep! at a reasonable hour!

i can not guarantee there will not be ridiculous things. the more i run from the ridulous things, the more they ambush me. i have now made an agreement with the ridiculous things committee such that they can have a regularly scheduled time slot. that way, they're happy, i'm prepared, it's a win-win situation.

i also am not guaranteeing high volume. i will not be going back to nightly ramblings in the short term. i'm shooting for a weekly one.

oh, and YES!!! i am able to attend a conference, have an excellent time and DROP TWO POUNDS. oh yes. for i am the amazing holly.


  1. Hi Holly!!!!
    Welcome back?!
    I ate some Turkey for you

  2. Okay, I'm the 8th person to view your complete profile. Which says the same thing as your meta-profile.

    Get a cat!
